My Writing Journey

For as long as I can remember I’ve always considered myself more of a reader than a writer. I love to read. All of my spare time in high school was dedicated to reading. I considered writing more of a chore, mostly because I didn’t think I was very good at it. I couldn’t reread anything that I wrote without cringing, even school essays.

It wasn’t until I took a creative writing class in college that I began to enjoy writing. I was so nervous after I turned in my first story. However, I was pleasantly surprised when people told me they liked my story. I had fun reading my peers work and hearing their comments and critiques of my own. I remember getting my first story back from my professor and seeing in his barely legible scribble the words, “I like what I’m reading Ms. Pierce.” I finally gained confidence in my writing because of that class.

When I took a creative non-fiction class the next semester I grew to love writing even more. I found it cathartic to write about real things that I felt and experienced. I also began to take more care in writing papers for other classes that weren’t creative in nature, and I actually enjoyed writing them. I finally found the joy in writing that I had always wanted to have.

That brings me to now. I hope you enjoy this blog where I talk about my most favorite thing in the world: tea.

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